I bought the iPhone MobileRSS quite a while ago, and have since tried many others (I like to play with new apps), but I keep coming back to MobileRSS. If not a 5-star app, pretty darn close.
I only mention the iPhone app because, unfortunately, I don’t think the desktop (DT) version lives up to it. Since my computer is more powerful, I would expect the DT version to have more options and be easier navigation but, if anything, it falls short. The iPhone version has the option to sort by newest or oldest, DT doesn’t. The iPhone version has a built-in browser, DT doesn’t. The ability to add, delete and generally manage feeds? The iPhone version wins again; the DT version has no feed management in its current state.
I’ve read a few other reviews online that have implied that it’s great for Version 1.0 release and that they can’t wait for when other features get added but, for me, why not included it all in the initial release? All these options and more were, over time, added to your iOS apps so that they are now excellent little pieces of software. It doesn’t make sense to me to release a comparatively incomplete addition to the MobileRSS suite of apps.
I do quite like the app — clean UI, excellent Google Reader integration — and, yes, I am looking forward to all MobileRSS apps to be as feature-identical as their respective platforms will allow. However, in my humble opinion, in it’s current state it offers no real advantage over logging in and using the actual Google Reader online — you have to be connected to the Internet regardless.
Once the features are identical across all apps, this too would eaily be a 5-star app.
stephenesc about MobileRSS, v1.0